Horse Video Coaching Video Upload Tutorial 

How to Film and Upload Horse Videos

Distance Horse Learning Tips

Would like to participate in an Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey Remote Horse Coach horse video assessment, evaluation, and instruction session, but are unfamiliar with how to film and "upload" a video?

You can easily film yourself using your phone, either held by using a tripod or have a friend film you. Please be sure to wear light-colored clothing, and that the sun or light source is behind you when filming. Please stay no more than 100 feet or 30 meters away from the video source.


Many students prefer "piecing together' several video clips for the 30-minute film length. I suggest using the SUPER easy and FREE video editor YouCut (get the Android version HERE or the iOS version HERE).

Once you've edited (be sure to turn the video sound off before saving the final version,) when you click the Save option, be sure to use at least Medium quality and 1080 x1080 version or better. When the app is finished saving your video, you'll immediately have the option to upload it to your YouTube channel.

If you need help on how to create a YouTube account:

1.) For instructions on creating an account click HERE.


2.) If you would like to make the account setting private so that only people you email the video link to can see it, click HERE.


3.) Upload a single 20 to 30-minute video or several short video clips with a total of 20 to 30 minutes of viewing time.


4.) Sign up for a Video Consultation session with me HERE   We schedule a time for the consult and you'll receive call-in instructions.


5.) I will review your video prior to our scheduled call.

6.) During our session, we will both watch the video (often pausing) WHILE I'm offering insight and instruction- that way you can see what I'm referring to as I'm teaching.


7.) You receive a .mp3 downloadable copy of the phone consult so that you can review it anytime you like!


Don't be intimidated, I've had many non-technological savvy folks surprised by how easy it was, AND how much more they learned during the horse coaching session without the "distraction" of riding. This allowed them to focus on raising their awareness and a better understanding of equine instruction.